Teacher and primary student in a classroom

Below are some resources and learning opportunities available on Arc Learning, a platform run by the Department of Education (the department), and other relevant sites:

The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration Australian Government Department of Education
Global Learning and Engagement Intercultural Capability units Arc Learning - Department of Education, Victoria
Intercultural Champions pilot program: A package of units produced by teachers involved in the program Arc Learning - Department of Education, Victoria
Cultural Practices and Cultural Diversity Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
Intercultural Capability assessments and resources Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
Capability Framework: Building a culturally responsive Australian teaching workforce Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
Supporting Australian schools to build global engagement – toolkit Monash University (funded by the Australian Government Department of Education)
Educator professional learning Asia Education Foundation (AEF)
Professional development opportunities Asialink
Global citizenship guides Oxfam Education
Global Citizenship education: handbook for teachers UNESCO
Global learning webinars and resources Global Learning Centre
Online platform for educators for collaborative international projects TakingITGlobal
Global Learning and Engagement FrameworkDepartment of Education, Victoria
Educating Students for a Global Future brochureDepartment of Education, Victoria

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