The program is part of the Victorian Government's strategy for further developing Victoria’s relationship with India over the next 5 years: Victoria's India Strategy: Our Shared Future 2025-30.

Benefits for students

The program provides guidance and funding for Victorian government schools to run activities and initiatives that:

  • foster a greater understanding and connection to students' own community and to the community of their peers from the Indian diaspora
  • encourage critical reflection on how community institutions and intercultural experiences influence attitudes, values and beliefs
  • provide exposure to tangible illustrations of global interconnectedness and opportunities to explore Indian culture, histories and stories directly from those in Victoria’s Indian community
  • enhance awareness of the role culture plays in identity, and in fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion in society.

Benefits for schools

The program provides schools with support to:

  • build stronger community connection and pride
  • improve wellbeing and educational outcomes for students by supporting individuals and communities in connecting with their cultural backgrounds, contributing to students’ personal growth and self-efficacy
  • increase access to skills, resources, ideas, training, mentoring, and support from Indian diaspora community and business organisations.

Benefits to families and the broader community

The program supports families and the broader community to:

  • build a more comprehensive network of support for students, families, and schools
  • enhance understanding and respect for the local community
  • provide opportunities for community members to share their skills, knowledge, experience, and resources with schools and students.

Key dates

To register for the online information session on 6 February 2025, visit: CSIC Information Session. A recording of the session will also be sent to registered participants.

To express interest in the 2025 round of funding, please email a completed Application Form to by 5pm on Friday 21 February 2025.

CSIC guide

For more information on the 2025 program, see the program guide.

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