CNN 给予墨尔本高分的原因包括:
- 高质量的医疗保健和健康预防措施
- 低污染水平
- 便利的公园和整洁的开放空间
- 营养丰富的食品和安全的农业网络与实践
- 发达的公共交通系统(火车、电车、公共汽车)和共享自行车系统
- 社区参与与活动
CNN 给予墨尔本高分的原因包括:
此外,学校还提供 24 小时全天候的警务协助,联络便捷。乘坐公共交通上学的学生可享受护卫人员提供的安全保护。他们驻扎在墨尔本郊区的各个火车站,确保火车乘客的安全,包括在天黑之后。
在念大学的学生也可以从留学墨尔本学习中心(Study Melbourne Hub)中获得帮助。该中心提供关于各种问题的友好建议和支持。请参见: Study Melbourne Hub.
澳大利亚以其炎热的气候而闻名。因此,在丛林火灾多发的季节,你需要随时了解相关信息。如果你居住在灌木丛周围或森林附近,丛林火灾最容易发生。当你到达维多利亚州,开始规划生活的最佳方法之一,就是了解你的居住地和周围环境。为帮助你制定规划,请参见: 澳大利亚乡村消防局( CFA) 计划和准备.
在维多利亚州学习期间,有很多值得参观和体验的事情。你的家人或寄宿家庭可能想去路驾,游览一些著名的旅游景点。在澳大利亚,驾驶、乘车和道路安全方面有严格的规则和指南。在开车时,我们希望你和你的家人有一个安全且难忘的体验。有关安全车辆旅行的信息,请参见: 澳大利亚旅行安全指南
如果你不清楚规则或需要帮助,请联系你的国际学生部主任、寄宿家庭或参见: 自行车道路规则 .
更多信息,请参见: 针对学生的诈骗
The 000 operator will ask if you need police, fire or ambulance. You must say which of these services you need.
You can also ask for an interpreter. The operator will ask you what language you need. Tell them the name of your language in English.
You will then be connected to either the police, fire or ambulance service.
The operator will ask you a range of questions in order to help you. For example, what your situation is, your phone number and your location.
You will need to stay calm to tell the operator where you are so the services can come and help you. Make sure you give them the exact address or location. If you are close to a street corner, make sure you tell the operator the streets at the closest intersection if you know them.
Do not hang up the phone until the operator tells you to do so. In most instances, the operator will stay on the line to give you instructions and help you until the emergency service arrives.
Staff at emergency departments are trained and will speak with you to assess your situation. You may be required to wait until other patients are seen first.
Remember to take your Overseas Student Healthcare Cover (OSHC) card with you.
The poisons information centre help line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call the helpline if you or someone near you has been poisoned, has overdosed, has made a mistake with medicines. You should also call the helpline for help if someone has been bitten or stung by marine animals (such as jellyfish), snakes, spiders or insects (such as bees or wasps).
The Lifeline mental health phone help line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you or someone you know needs mental health support, lifeline will provide you with someone who will listen and give you help at any time.
If you have a dental emergency, call the Royal Dental Hospital in Carlton. The dental hospital is open until 9.15pm each night. You can also ask the hospital to refer you to a clinic closer to where you live.
Nurse-On-Call puts you directly in touch with a registered nurse for caring, professional health advice around the clock. You can contact Nurse-on-Call if:
Sometimes if you call Nurse-on-Call, the nurse may tell you to go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
You can also contact your local doctor or General Practitioner (GP). If your doctor is closed, they will most likely have the number of an after-hours medical clinic on their phone answering service.
Your OSHC healthcare cover will also have a list of approved after-hours doctors who can visit you at home.
You can also contact your local pharmacy or chemist. Some pharmacies are open 24 hours a day and most are open until about 7pm or 9pm at night. The pharmacist will be able to help you with many health concerns.
Your International Student Coordinator is available 24 hours, 7 days a week to help you when you need them. Your International Student Coordinator can help you if you have homestay issues, health or medical concerns, you feel unhappy or unsafe. It is their job to help you so don’t feel that you can’t ask for their help.
It’s important to contact your International Student Coordinator even if you are lost or you have caught the wrong bus. This way we can help you get home safely.
You can also contact your homestay parents and ask for their help.