Dependant Application

The Dependant application is for adult, tertiary-level international students studying or planning to study in Victoria and want to enrol their child in a Victorian government school. For example, children of students studying at a Victorian university, Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions (i.e. studying a diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate) are considered dependants. Dependant applications are for the following visa subclasses:

  • student visa (subclass 500) higher education
  • student visa (subclass 500) vocational education and training (VET)
  • student visa (subclass 500) ELICOS and 500 student non-award.

Children of parents who are studying at a Victorian university for research purposes are fee-exempt and can apply directly to individual schools, i.e. adult, tertiary-level international students applying for or holding a student visa (subclass 500) postgraduate research or student visa (subclass 500) AusAID and Defence visa.

The application process is outlined below.

  1. Read the Terms, Conditions and Policies: Dependant Application Terms, Conditions and Policies ( PDF, 306.26 KB)
  2. Apply for school enrolment via an accredited education agent or the online application module
  3. Receive your Letter of Offer and invoice
  4. Pay your invoice (within 14 days)
  5. Receive your Confirmation of Placement Letter
  6. Submit your visa application to the Australian Department of Home Affairs

For more information on fees, see: Dependant tuition fees

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