It's important to us that you feel safe, happy and cared for, and that you receive all the support you need while you're living here and studying at one of our schools.
In Victoria, a caring network of principals, International Student Coordinators (ISCs), teachers, school welfare counsellors, friends and homestay families are all available to provide support to international students for all their needs. Our expert and caring ISC’s are even available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support you.
Our responsibility for you
You might choose to live with a homestay family instead of a parent, guardian or relative. If you choose this option, the Department of Education (the department), Victoria takes full responsibility for your welfare in Australia.
The department and staff at your school share this support role.
Together, we provide:
- information and guidance on safety and wellbeing
- safe and inclusive environments for students from diverse backgrounds
- access to other health professionals and services.
The right school
We make sure that every school hosting international students is the best it can be.
This means, you'll get the kind of education, care and support that you need to be happy and successful in your studies.
Our schools have gone through a strict accreditation process and are regularly reviewed to ensure the highest standards of student education, safety, welfare and wellbeing services. Many school staff are trained in how to assist with the unique needs of international students.
The right homestay family
Your school selects the best match for both you and your new family, guiding you along the way.
Our homestay families are sourced by our schools from their local community. Schools only select homestay families who provide the safety, care and support of a real family.
Orientation support
All of our schools have an orientation program and ongoing help for you to settle in. This includes information and advice on:
- your learning program and academic progress
- buying books, uniforms and other school items
- counselling, healthcare and personal safety
- managing finances and meeting visa requirements
- making new friends and joining social or community networks
- adjusting to a new culture
- getting around your local area
- activities during and outside of school
- making the most of your homestay experience
- subject selection, careers and pathways to tertiary education
- tips for adjusting, coping and fitting back in when you return to your home country.
Ongoing support
Victorian government schools provide international students with ongoing education, support and welfare services.
The ISC at your school is likely to be the most important contact during your study in Melbourne and Victoria. Your ISC:
- understands what most international students feel and go through
- provides advice on how to stay on track with studies
- keeps parents involved and informed with written reports
- provides regular phone and video meetings, with parents or guardians at least once a year
- helps students to be happy and healthy including by finding appropriate welfare and wellbeing services.
Welfare and support services
Each school has a range of support and general welfare arrangements available to support students. Schools must meet minimum requirements including providing orientation and supporting student learning and safety, see:
For more information on the types of supports available at individual schools, see: ‘special programs’ and ‘student support services and programs’ in each school’s profile on Find a school.
Have a voice and be heard
We know that everyone is unique, and we'll give you the chance to tell us what you need.
Your ISC and teachers are always there to listen to your concerns and help you overcome any challenges.
There are also plenty of student voice and leadership activities to help you create the kind of school environment that you want to see. You'll also get to develop your English language and leadership skills.
Education provider responsibilities
The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 makes sure education providers meet nationally consistent standards in education delivery, facilities and services, and provides tuition fee protection for international students.
Students and their families are encouraged to review the ESOS Act and Framework to ensure they are aware of their rights, protections and responsibilities.