Invoicing Notice

We are currently experiencing a system invoicing issue. Invoices for new and commenced students are impacted. We hope to resolve this issue over coming weeks. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you for your continued support.

Standard Application

The Standard application is for students who are applying for, or hold, a subclass 500 Student – Schools visa and wish to study at a Victorian government school for greater than 12 months.

For example, junior secondary school and senior secondary school (Years 11 and 12 - Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)). Students must be aged 15 years and over to choose homestay accommodation, see: Accomodation and Homestay.

  1. Read the Terms, Conditions and Policies: Standard Application Written Agreement (PDF, 357.52 KB)
  2. Apply for school enrolment via an accredited education agent or the online application module
  3. Receive your application email
  4. Receive your Letter of Offer and Written Agreement
  5. Return a copy of the Written Agreement signed by the parents / legal guardian (and the student if aged 18 years and over) by the due date
  6. Receive an invoice
  7. Pay your invoice by the due date
  8. Receive your Confirmation of Enrolment Letter. If you have request the department to arrange your accommodation, i.e. homestay, you will also receive your Confirmation of Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) Letter
  9. Submit your visa application to the Australian Department of Home Affairs
  10. Homestay accommodation students must provide the department with arrival details at least two weeks prior to the welfare commencement date specified on the CAAW.

For more information on fees, see: Standard tuition fees

Overseas Student Health Cover

It is a requirement of the student visa (subclass 500) schools to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) while in Australia. Please refer to the Accommodation and Welfare Policy of the Standard Application Form (PDF, 646.28 KB) for more information.

The department can arrange OSHC to be provided by Medibank. For information on the Medibank OSHC prices and policy details, please refer to the Medibank Private Health Insurance website.

If you do not want the department to arrange OSHC, the student’s parent or guardian is responsible for purchasing OSHC for the duration of the student’s stay in Australia. Evidence of OSHC must be provided to the department prior to the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) being issued.

CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K

CRICOS course names and codes: Primary (Prep to Year 6), 019047G; Secondary (7-12), 019048F; Victorian College of the Arts Secondary Course (7-12), 028651A

Study Abroad Application

The Study Abroad application is for students who are applying for, or hold, a student visa (subclass 500) schools and want to study abroad at a Victorian government secondary school for a 3, 6, 9 or 12 month period (short term study). The Study Abroad program offers middle and senior secondary school international students an opportunity to experience Australian culture and lifestyle, along with a mix of academic and extra-curricular classes, see Study Abroad Program.

Students must be aged 15 years and over to choose homestay accommodation, see: Accommodation and Homestay.

The application process is outlined below.

  1. Read the Terms, Conditions and Policies: Study Abroad Application Written Agreement (PDF, 357.5 KB)
  2. Apply for school enrolment via an accredited education agent or the online application module
  3. Receive your application acceptance email
  4. Receive your Letter of Offer and Written Agreement
  5. Return a copy of the Written Agreement signed by the parents / legal guardian (and the student if aged 18 years and over) by the due date
  6. Receive an invoice
  7. Pay your invoice by the due date
  8. Receive your Confirmation of Enrolment Letter. If you have request the department to arrange your accommodation, i.e. homestay, you will also receive your Confirmation of Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) Letter
  9. Submit your visa application to the Australian Department of Home Affairs
  10. Homestay accommodation students must provide the department with arrival details at least two weeks prior to the welfare commencement date specified on the CAAW.

For more information on fees, see: Study Abroad tuition fees

Overseas Student Health Cover

It is a requirement of the student visa (subclass 500) schools to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) while in Australia. Please refer to the Accommodation and Welfare Policy of the Standard Application Form (PDF, 646.28 KB) for more information.

The department can arrange OSHC to be provided by Medibank. For information on the Medibank OSHC prices and policy details, please refer to the Medibank Private Health Insurance website.

If you do not want the department to arrange OSHC, the student’s parent or guardian is responsible for purchasing OSHC for the duration of the student’s stay in Australia. Evidence of OSHC must be provided to the department prior to the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) being issued.

CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K

CRICOS course names and codes: Primary (Prep to Year 6), 019047G; Secondary (7-12), 019048F; Victorian College of the Arts Secondary Course (7-12), 028651A

Dependant Application

The Dependant application is for adult, tertiary-level international students studying or planning to study in Victoria and want to enrol their child in a Victorian government school. For example, children of students studying at a Victorian university, Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions (i.e. studying a diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate) are considered dependants. Dependant applications are for the following visa subclasses:

  • student visa (subclass 500) higher education
  • student visa (subclass 500) vocational education and training (VET)
  • student visa (subclass 500) ELICOS and 500 student non-award.

Children of parents who are studying at a Victorian university for research purposes are fee-exempt and can apply directly to individual schools, i.e. adult, tertiary-level international students applying for or holding a student visa (subclass 500) postgraduate research or student visa (subclass 500) AusAID and Defence visa.

The application process is outlined below.

  1. Read the Terms, Conditions and Policies: Dependant Application Terms, Conditions and Policies ( PDF, 306.26 KB)
  2. Apply for school enrolment via an accredited education agent or the online application module
  3. Receive your Letter of Offer and invoice
  4. Pay your invoice (within 14 days)
  5. Receive your Confirmation of Placement Letter
  6. Submit your visa application to the Australian Department of Home Affairs

For more information on fees, see: Dependant tuition fees

Temporary Application

The Temporary application is for students who are travelling on a visitor visa (subclass 600) and want to study in Victoria for up to 12 weeks.​ This is an ideal opportunity for students who wish to get a taste of living and studying in Victoria. Temporary students are required to live with a parent or guardian.

The application process is outlined below.

  1. Read the Terms, Conditions and Policies: Temporary Application Terms, Conditions and Policies (PDF, 297.26 KB)
  2. Apply for school enrolment via the online application module
  3. Receive your Letter of Offer and invoice
  4. Pay your invoice (within 14 days)
  5. Receive your Confirmation of Placement Letter

For more information on fees, see: Temporary tuition fees

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