Four students working on a laptop

These partnerships provide authentic learning opportunities through engagement with students from other cultures and can be a powerful tool in educating a generation of active, global citizens, and preparing them for a world that is increasingly interconnected.

A sister school partnership can be between a Victorian government school, an Independent or Catholic school with a school in another country. These partnerships can have profound and positive impact on a range of areas of school education. Some of the aims of having school partnerships can be to:

  • broaden students' perspectives and enhance language learning
  • develop students' intercultural understanding
  • focus on a whole-school approach to global learning
  • effectively embed language learning and intercultural understanding components of the Victorian Curriculum F-10
  • build teacher capacity and capability
  • foster community engagement.

Benefits for students

A sister school partnership can contribute to developing global competence and improving student learning outcomes.

For students, benefits include:

  • development of global citizenship and an appreciation of diverse points of view
  • development of 21st century skills to enable critical thinking, cross-cultural collaboration and a positive attitude to diversity
  • greater competency and confidence in language learning and communication skills and renewed enthusiasm for language learning
  • development of international friendships and networks.

Benefits for school staff

For school staff, benefits include:

  • Opportunities to share good practices and benchmark against other school systems
  • development of intercultural understanding and sensitivity, and an appreciation of different points of view
  • increased awareness of different education systems, including pedagogies and curriculum
  • greater competency and confidence in language learning and communication skills.

Benefits for school community

For the school community, benefits include:

  • development of global networks and perspectives, with the flow-on effect of creating an international outlook and mindset of the whole school community
  • raising the profile of language learning across the school community.

To learn more about how to establish and sustain successful sister school partnerships, download the resource kit below.

For further information on how to find the right partner school, email:

Compliance requirements for Victorian government schools

Under the Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (the Act), Victorian schools interested in entering into a new written agreement or varying an existing arrangement with an overseas school, must seek approval from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade prior to negotiating and entering into any arrangements. This extends to any written arrangements, agreements, contracts or memoranda of understanding and sister school partnerships between Victorian government schools and foreign entities, including overseas governments, universities, and other schools.

For more information on relevant legal and policy requirements, including compliance with the Australian Government Foreign Relations Act, visit: Policy and Advisory Library (PAL):

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